Nested Transactions


use ReportBuilderTraining

--- Experiment with nested transactions

--- setup a temp table to test with

if object_id('tempdb..##temp') is not null
   	drop table ##temp

create table ##temp (ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Name varchar(50))

insert into ##temp (Name) values ('Ed')

select *
	from ##temp

--- experiment with "nested" transacions
--- nested transactions come up when a stored procedure that contains transactions is called from a
--- context inside another transaction

begin transaction
	select @@TRANCOUNT

	insert into ##temp (Name) values ('Kim')
	select * from ##temp

	-- begin "nested transaction"
	begin transaction
		select @@TRANCOUNT

		insert into ##temp (Name) values ('Sam')
		select * from ##temp

	-- ROLLBACK rolls back to first BEGIN
	rollback transaction 
	select @@TRANCOUNT

	select * from ##temp

-- error, no transactions
select XACT_STATE()
commit transaction

select *
	from ##temp

--- partial rollbacks with SAVE

begin transaction
	select @@TRANCOUNT

	insert into ##temp (Name) values ('Kim')
	select * from ##temp

	-- begin "nested transaction", create savepoint first
	save transaction testSavePoint
	begin transaction
		select @@TRANCOUNT

		insert into ##temp (Name) values ('Sam')
		select * from ##temp

	-- ROLLBACK rolls back to our savepoint
	rollback transaction testSavePoint
	select @@TRANCOUNT

	commit transaction
	select @@TRANCOUNT

	select * from ##temp

commit transaction
select @@TRANCOUNT

select * from ##temp